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return to the buildings

The Return (Sort of…)

School staff were required to return to work in the buildings October 14th in preparation for students to return to a blended learning model beginning October 19th. It’s so surreal being back in the buildings after being away from them since March 13th. It’s so quiet and empty. Tables have been replaced with individual desks that are all spread out. There’s directional stickers on the hallway floors. Signs everywhere telling people to self assess their health before entering the buildings and to wear masks in common areas.

Some people have been so anxious to get back in the buildings. Not me, I’m anxious about being in the buildings at all. I’d rather stay working from home where I know I’m less likely to get sick. It’s just me and my husband at home and neither of us go anywhere unless we absolutely have to. Also, I feel more alone in my buildings than I did working from home. Sure in both locations I’m sitting in a room by myself for 6+ hours a day while I attempt to Zoom with my students. At least at home I have someone to eat lunch with and talk to on my breaks. At my buildings everyone just sits in their classrooms with their doors closed all day. There is no real interaction between people.

Two Days Later…

Additionally, after two days of being back in the buildings preparing for the students to return we received notice that the students return to the buildings would be pushed back to November 2nd and to prepare families for blended learning we would hold two weeks of virtual orientations. Now we are suppose to schedule virtual orientations with our students families. This is to discuss procedures for coming to the buildings, while still working out of our classrooms.

Another Four Days Later…

Well that didn’t last long. Four days later, we have now received another notice saying to postpone the virtual orientations we’ve been planning because students will no longer be returning to the buildings in November. They will stay remote until at least mid January. But again staff are to continue working in their buildings. This makes no sense. Why is it too dangerous/risky for the students to learn in the buildings, but it’s not for the staff. I wouldn’t be surprised if this doesn’t change again soon. I mean over the course of about a week and a half the district has changed their mind multiple times about switching from remote learning to blended learning. This is quite the roller-coaster ride we are on right now.

virtual learning

Virtual Learning: How do you feel about it?

I don’t know about you, but I’m torn with my feelings about Virtual Learning. I love working from home and not having to drive anywhere; normally I have to drive between multiple buildings throughout my work day. Plus working from home means I get to sleep in a little later in the mornings because I’m just walking into my office/guest room to work. This really cuts down on my commute and I get to enjoy lunch with my wonderful husband as he is currently home all day.

Conversely, I’m finding it difficult to get my students to log on to their Zoom meetings with me and getting them to complete their Google Classroom assignments. I keep sending messages to my students and their families with little to no response on any platform thus far. I’ve even contacted their gen. ed. teachers to see if they are attending and completing work for them. The consensus has been minimal for all 5 of my students so far. This is partly due to technology issues (i.e. broken Chromebook, lack of internet access), but for some of them they just aren’t getting on to my stuff and no one at home seems to be making sure they are. This isn’t great considering we’re in the 9th week of school already and I have very little data currently for their progress reports that I need to complete next week.

If I could just find ways to get the students to either log on to my Zoom or complete their Google Classroom Assignments during the week I would feel so much better. Right now, I just feel stressed out, exhausted, and over it. I know there is only so much I can do from a computer though.

Aside from students not engaging with me, I also feel like my work load has doubled. As well as the amount of meetings I have to attend weekly. There is so much more planning and organizing that goes into virtual teaching. We can’t just dig into our normal resources and curriculum like usual. We have to find a way to convert it so students are able to engage with the materials virtually. Although for me this can be fun depending on what I’m setting up for my students to do.

Additionally, I am in Grad School right now and attending remotely as well. So I spend 12+ hours a day on my computer, which is way too much time. I definitely have to make myself takes breaks away from my computer throughout the day. I get up, walk around, stretch, and give my eyes a break from staring at my computer screen. But even with all the added computer time and stresses of teaching remotely, I still prefer it. I hate having to drive in traffic everyday between multiple buildings.

How do you feel about Virtual Learning?

Bitmoji of an online teacher answering the who what why of SpEducator Online

Who? What? Why?

Welcome, I’m here to answer 3 simple questions for you: Who, What, and Why SpEducator Online?

First, who is SpEducator Online?

Well that would be me. My name is Bethany and I am an Intervention Specialist. I have been teaching special education for 5 years now. I have taught Elementary, Middle, and High School. Elementary being my favorite. I am also the youngest of five children, one of which has special needs. My brother with special needs has an Intellectual Disability and is the reason I went into Special Education.

Second, what is SpEducator Online?

This is an educational blog focusing on Special Education. I plan to write about my experiences as a Special Education teacher, as well as my experiences of being a sibling to a special needs student. I also plan to include helpful and useful resources for other Special Education teachers to use with their students, as well as information and resources that parents of special needs children may find useful too.

And Third, why SpEducator Online?

Well, I wanted to try something new outside of teaching that still focuses on my love for Special Education. While I love teaching, I haven’t been feeling very satisfied as a teacher lately. Although my job is normally a little stressful, it’s been even more so with virtual/blended learning taking place this school year. I feel like no matter how much I reach out to my students and their families I’m still getting very little effort when it comes to them getting onto my Zoom sessions and completing work on Google Classroom. With all this extra stress I just wanted a change that will hopefully make me happier in the long run.

So, that is the who, what, why of SpEducator Online. I hope you enjoy my blog and keep coming back for more.

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