Welcome, I’m here to answer 3 simple questions for you: Who, What, and Why SpEducator Online?
First, who is SpEducator Online?
Well that would be me. My name is Bethany and I am an Intervention Specialist. I have been teaching special education for 5 years now. I have taught Elementary, Middle, and High School. Elementary being my favorite. I am also the youngest of five children, one of which has special needs. My brother with special needs has an Intellectual Disability and is the reason I went into Special Education.
Second, what is SpEducator Online?
This is an educational blog focusing on Special Education. I plan to write about my experiences as a Special Education teacher, as well as my experiences of being a sibling to a special needs student. I also plan to include helpful and useful resources for other Special Education teachers to use with their students, as well as information and resources that parents of special needs children may find useful too.
And Third, why SpEducator Online?
Well, I wanted to try something new outside of teaching that still focuses on my love for Special Education. While I love teaching, I haven’t been feeling very satisfied as a teacher lately. Although my job is normally a little stressful, it’s been even more so with virtual/blended learning taking place this school year. I feel like no matter how much I reach out to my students and their families I’m still getting very little effort when it comes to them getting onto my Zoom sessions and completing work on Google Classroom. With all this extra stress I just wanted a change that will hopefully make me happier in the long run.
So, that is the who, what, why of SpEducator Online. I hope you enjoy my blog and keep coming back for more.
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